Bulk coaching sessions for corporate partners
The Coachathon offers you a unique opportunity to invest in the development of your teams whilst having a fantastic social impact. Don’t take our word for it! Hitachi AAB have bulk bought tickets to the Coachathon for several years:
“Coaching is such a fantastic tool and this was a great opportunity to offer that on a wider scale in an affordable way and benefiting such a great charity at the same time.”
To enquire about booking bulk sessions for your team (10 sessions or more) please contact us today.
Every coaching session will provide a start-up loan to one woman in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. With your donation, she can build her own business to provide food, clothes, healthcare and education for her children.

The UK ICF is a Charter Chapter of the International Coaching Federation, dedicated to advancing the coaching profession on a global scale. The UK Chapter plays a crucial role in bringing the ICF to life on a national and local level, supporting and promoting the integrity and standards of coaching in the UK. Our core values of professionalism, collaboration, humanity, and equity are at the heart of everything we do. As the first ICF Chapter established outside of North America, we are proud to be one of the largest and most active Chapters, with over 3,000 members, upholding the highest standards of coaching excellence.
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